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The Baneseeker Project

Posted: January 1, 2023

Your chance to participate in the development of a story
have your name included in a book!

Have you ever read a story and wondered... What would have happened if the character had made a different decision? What if a certain event took place in different location? What if a character was of another race? Or have you ever wanted... To read a scene that wasn't included? To have a say in where the story goes next?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is your chance! Read on, share your feedback and your ideas, and influence the direction of this brand new dark fantasy series!

Latest Update: 2024-06-10

Lyna and the Territories of Sij, by Eva Christensen Welcome to the 'live' post of the Baneseeker Project. Visit often to read about the latest updates!

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Use this table of content to go directly to the sections of interest:

What is the Baneseeker Project?

The Baneseeker Project is an open-ended dark fantasy series titled The Baneseeker Chronicles, set in the World of Arvelas (the same setting as my novella The Conclave).

Throughout the project, I'll be collecting feedback and suggestions from participating readers and adapt the direction of the series based on these comments. Readers whose ideas are selected will see their names included in the published versions of the stories.

The Books

  1. Surrender (Book 1) - In Progress
  2. Title to be announced (Book2) - In Progress
  3. Title to be announced (Book3) - In Progress
  4. Title to be announced (Book4) - Not Started

How Do I Participate and Influence the Stories?

To join the project, you only need to read the stories and share your thoughts with me. Anyone can participate and you can do so at any point in the development of the story, including during the early drafts or after publication. Comments received early may be included in the current story being written, while comments received later may be included in subsequent instalments in the series.

To stay informed of when the stories become available, simply visit this page.

What type of feedback do I send?

This is your opportunity to participate in the creation and development of a story, which means that your feedback should concentrate on the story itself, including the characters, the locations, or the events.

For example, I've already received suggestions about the main character's power and how it could work, about what a cursed land could look like, and about what the first story could focus on.

Any idea is welcome. I read everything sent my way, and will consider every piece of feedback. I can't promise I'll include everything, but I will do my best to make it fit within the context of the story and the setting.

Just remember that you do not need to worry about the grammar or the structure of the text itself. The story will go through a professional editor prior to publication.

How Do I Get the Stories?

Depending on your preference (and level of patience), you can either get the stories as early drafts or after publication.

Early Drafts

This version of the stories will be made available, one chapter per week, before editing and publication. This will allow you to provide your feedback early in the process, with the chance of having your ideas included in the final version of the story. You can access this version by receiving it in your inbox by becoming a Baneseeker Follower and subscribing here.

You can also read the early chapters on Wattpad, here:

  1. Surrender (Book 1)

After Publication

If you want to wait for the whole and final story, you can do so and read it once it's published in e-book or print formats. Comments submitted at this stage will be incorporated in later stories in the series. You can access this version by visiting the series section of www.sceston.com.

What's New?

Here is a complete list of what has been completed so far:

    2024-06: Good progress being made on book 2!
    2024-06: 'Surrender' is being edited.
    2024-01: Back writing the final version of book 1, 'Surrender'.
    2023-09: Project put on hold to work on the publication of The Stranger of Ul Darak
    2023-07: Completed cover of book 1, 'Surrender'!
    2023-07: Sending chapters of book 1, 'Surrender', to interested readers.
    2023-07: Working on cover for book 1.
    2023-06: Completed official back cover blurb of book 1.
    2023-04-24: Looking into potential funding options for the project.
    2023-04-05: Started preparations for sharing the first chapter.
    2023-03-07: Started work on the official story synopsis.
    2023-02-27: Project put on hold while working on the illustrations for The Stranger of Ul Darak.
    2023-02-21: Special newsletter created - Become a follower to receive new chapters directly in your Inbox.
    2023-02-12: Project put on hold to complete the editing of The Stranger of Ul Darak
    2023-01-19: Completed the first draft of book 3.
    2022-12: Eva Christensen completed a painting of Lyna di'Stavan, standing in front of the accursed Territories of Sij
    2023-11-11: Completed the first draft of book 2.
    2022-11: NaNoWriMo 2022: Completed initial draft of story #2 and started story #3

What's Happening Next?

Although the schedule might change, for now this is where the project stands:

  • 2024 August to September: Early draft of second book available for reading and feedback.
  • 2024 FALL: Publication of first book, 'Surrender'.

Visit again soon for more updates!

Keywords:  Arvelas , Dark Fantasy , Fantasy , Writing


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