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The Treasure Trove...
'TeleExorcist' by Brittany Johnson

Posted: January 10, 2025

Please meet author Brittany Johnson, who is the first author to be featured twice in the Treasure Trove. A few months ago, she wrote 'TeleExorcist', a disturbing horror short story that I think you should take a moment to read... if you're brave enough!

Brittany JohnsonWhy did you write TeleExorcist?

Brittany: The lovely people at The Lunatics Project were looking for short stories about exorcisms for their podcast and I was happy to oblige. I had never written anything about that subject matter but have always been fascinated and deeply terrified. This seemed like a fresh challenge that would certainly stretch my writing muscles and have me thinking outside of the box. Generally speaking, I tend not to write in the modern era, but something about the entrapments of technology and the all–too-easy–access to misinformation spoke to me. I thought it would be interesting to combine this with a young girl searching the internet for an exorcism.

Question from a Red Dragon Insider Reader:
What do you find the most challenging about writing a story?

Brittany: For me, the most challenging aspect of writing a story is staying on it. Having ADHD, this can be quite difficult at times. My mind wanders and can become distracted incredibly easily. I have to block out all other distractions and allot myself certain amounts of time to write, that way I don’t become overwhelmed with the entire story. Once the idea has caught flame, however, and a voice starts coming through, I often find myself getting into a hyper-focused mode and it’s easier to complete, (if not all-consuming).

Tell us what you enjoy the most about horror, fantasy or science fiction.

Brittany: Writing horror gives me the freedom to write about and expel deep emotional pain. It gives me a blank canvas to paint in all colors, expressing highs and lows, fear, love, and hope, even. I think that’s what I appreciate about the genre the most—these characters are in the darkest of despair, afraid for their lives, and yet they continue to fight through, not always successfully, but that’s up to the author. I think horror can have the brilliant ability to demonstrate humanity.

Tell us about your favorite hobbies.

Brittany: Martial arts and exercise are not only my favorite hobby but a way of life. It was the love that came before writing, and something I am nearly just as passionate about. I’m in the gym daily, training, both for my physical health as well as my mental health. It’s what keeps me centered and grounded and provides me a peace of mind I can rarely find anywhere else.

TeleExorcist by Brittany JohnsonAbout TeleExorcist

Are you possessed and in need of an exorcism RIGHT NOW? Been on the waitlist with a qualified priest for months? Don't worry! Find a TeleExorcist today and expel your demons from the comfort of your own home and computer!

Get TeleExorcist


About Brittany Johnson

Brittany Johnson Brittany Johnson is the author of Mississippi Blue. Carrying a deep love for horror and southern gothic, she writes novels, short stories, and poetry. Her writing tool of choice? A seventy-year-old typewriter named Roland.

Connect with Brittany Johnson

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Keywords:  Authors , Horror , Science-Fiction , The Treasure Trove


Also in the Series: The Treasure Trove

  1. The Treasure Trove... Author A. W. Davidson (August 9, 2022)
  2. The Treasure Trove... 'The Drift' by Author Casie Aufenthie (October 17, 2022)
  3. The Treasure Trove... Author Frasier Armitage (January 10, 2023)
  4. The Treasure Trove... Author Brittany Johnson (February 3, 2023)
  5. The Treasure Trove... Author S. Z. Attwell (June 18, 2023)
  6. The Treasure Trove... Author Paul Jameson (October 22, 2023)
  7. The Treasure Trove... Editor Kira Rubenthaler (November 16, 2023)
  8. The Treasure Trove... Artist Tom Edwards (November 18, 2023)
  9. The Treasure Trove... Alpha Reader Gaetan Clement (November 29, 2023)
  10. The Treasure Trove... Artist Sarah Obtinalla (December 8, 2023)
  11. The Treasure Trove... Author Hannah D. State (February 23, 2024)
  12. The Treasure Trove... 'Marked' by R.M. Krogman (May 28, 2024)
  13. The Treasure Trove... 'TeleExorcist' by Brittany Johnson (January 10, 2025)

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